Looking for a healthy and delicious homemade dog food recipe?
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Start cooking for your pup today with one of our easy homemade dog food recipes!
To successfully bake these dog muffins you will have to get ground chicken and livers. If you can’t get them in this form get some breasts and regular chicken liver. Boil them with just enough water to cover on medium heat for 30 minutes. Reserve the liquid for later use and process the meat with a blender or immersion mixer.
So let’s talk about the ingredients a bit:
My initial idea for this homemade dog food recipe was using chicken liver only, but you can incorporate other types of liver as well since they’re all full of nutrients for your dog.
Benefits of liver for dogs: Full of A and B vitamins, Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, and copper. Liver is also loaded with B12, a vitamin that gives your dog energy. They are also very high on calories so don’t make this a regular type of meal for your dogs.
Just like humans do, you should only be giving liver muffins to your dog sparingly, and always make sure you provide a bowl of fresh water for them.

List of ingredients:
- 1 lb (450g) ground chicken (or breasts if you can’t find ground)
- 1 lb (450g) liver (chicken, beef, lamb, ground if possible)
- 1 cup whole-wheat flour
- ¼ cup fine rolled oats
- 4 large eggs
- 8 oz olive oil
- 16 oz liquid reserve or water
Step by step instructions:
Step 1:
Place the chicken breasts and liver inside a saucepan and bring to light boil. Lower the heat to medium and cover with lid. Cook like this for 15 minutes then remove lid and cook for 15 minutes more.
While you wait for the meat to cook pre-heat the oven to 400°F (200°C) or gas mark 6. Prepare muffin cups by placing them inside the muffin pan. If you don’t have muffin cups spray the muffin pan with cooking spray.
If you got ground meat simply mix it up, transfer it to a large bowl and continue to Step 3.
Step 2:
Remove the saucepan from heat and turn the stove off. Drain the meat liquid into a small bowl, reserving it for later. Give the meat 5 minutes to cool off a bit then blend the meat with a blender or immersion mixer. Transfer to a large bowl.
Step 3:
Toss the flour into the meat bowl, ¼ cup at a time and mix it well. Add the fine rolled oats. Set aside.
Step 4:
Beat the eggs into a medium-sized bowl then add the oil, and reserved liquid or water. Mix well then pour the liquids into the meat and flour mix. Mix everything well with a Spatchula or feel free to use your hands at this point. In the end you should reach cake-like consistency. Add water if necessary.
Step 5:
Spoon the meat mix into the muffin cups. If you have leftovers you can freeze them for later baking. Bake the muffin pan in the pre-heated oven for 20 minutes for cooked meat and 30 minutes if you used ground chicken and liver.
Step 6:
Let the muffins cool down for 15-20 minutes on a wire rack, otherwise they’ll be hot in the middle. Whatever’s left place it in the fridge and it should keep for 3-5 days. You can also freeze the baked dog muffins and they’ll be fine for up to 3 months.
Variations for liver muffins for dogs:
For protein, you can substitute the chicken liver with any other ground meat available in equal amounts.
Veggies: These chicken liver muffins don’t contain any veggies but you could add some shredded carrots, zucchini, cucumber or even spinach to the mix, right before you bake them. This will make for colorful muffins and add fiber to your dogs diet.
Fruit: Feel free to shred 3 medium sized apples (core and peel removed) in the mix they will get baked with everything else and create a nice aroma for you and your pooch. Wheat flour can be substituted with equal amount of oats or corn flour if your dog is allergic to wheat.
Bon appétit!