Every time your dog is a good boy or girl you want to reward them. Sometimes it can be a nice word, or a pat on the head. Other times you will want to whip up something tasty like these delicious natural dog food recipe Peanut Butter and Bacon Cookies.
They are super-easy to make and your dog will love them for sure. After all, these dog cookies combine the 2 things dogs love the most: Peanut Butter and Bacon. Enough said!
How to make cookies for dogs
The process of making cookies for dogs is very similar to making cookies for humans. In this particular natural dog food recipe we roll out the dough to the preferred thickness (usually aroud ¼’’) and then do cut-outs. You can cut the dough with a simple glass bottom, or you can get some bone-shaped cut-outs if you prefer to get creative. Other shapes like stars and hearts will work fine too.
When cutting shapes make sure your cutter is clean. Dipping the cutter in some flour helps with sticky dough. Also, when cutting the dough try to press downward, and once to the side. Do not wiggle the cutter too much.
After we cut the shapes, we will place them on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven. What you get are delicious treats that are safe and nutritious for your dog. In the meantimee, you can preparee mango or another fruit as a desert!

- 1 tbsp coconut oil (or parchment paper for the baking sheet)
- 1 package chopped bacon
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- ½ cup rolled oats
- 1 tbsp dry mint
- ½ cup powdered milk (if using regular milk, add it with the wet ingredients)
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup peanut butter
- ½ cup water

Step 1.
Preheat oven to 400°K or 200°C. Grease the baking dish with 1 tbsp of coconut oil (or line it wit parchment paper) and set aside.
Step 2.
Fry the bacon in a hot skillet on medium high heat without adding any oil inside. Once it starts getting crispy remove from pan and place on paper towels.
Step 3.
In a large bowl mix together the dry ingredients. Set aside.
Step 4.
Mix the wet ingredients in a separate medium bowl. First scramble the eggs, then add the peanut butter and the cold water. Add the regular milk if using any. Add the bacon bits. Pour the liquid ingredients inside the bowl with dry ingredients slowly. Mix well.
Step 5.
At this point your dough should be easy to roll out on a lightly floured surface. If the dough is a bit soggy add more flour, if it’s too thick, add more water. Cut the desired shapes, layer them on the baking sheet, then re-roll the scraps and repeat.
Step 6.
Bake at 400°K or 200°C for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of the cut-outs. Once the cookies are baked, cool them on a wire rack.